
Linocut printing

Linocut, also known as lino print is a printmaking technique in which a sheet of linoleum is used for a relief surface. 

A design is cut into the linoleum surface with a sharp V-shaped chisel with the raised (uncarved) areas representing a reversal (mirror image) of the parts to show printed. The linoleum sheet is inked with a roller and then impressed onto paper or fabric. The actual printing can be done by hand or with a printing press.


  • linoleum
  • printer ink
  • paper sheets or fabric
  • permanent marker
  • (optional) tracing paper


  • chisels
  • paint roller
  • a mirror or glass surface to spread the paint
  • scissors
  • (optional) press or roller


First of all, we need a pattern that we want to prepare for linocut.  We can draw it (remembering to mirror image) directly on the linoleum or draw it on tracing paper.  The cut elements will not be on the target reflection, so we can paint it black and thus make it easier to cut.

The cutting process

It’s easiest to start with edges and outlines and then deal with larger areas and details of the drawing. It is important that the cuts should be deep enough not to reflect the paint.

Creating the print

The printing ink should be spread with a roller on a flat and even surface. The consistency of the paint must not be too fluid so that the ink does not get into the grooves of the linoleum.

We roll the linoleum, then put a sheet of paper or other material on the table and put the linoleum on it. The whole thing has to be carefully squeezed out using a clean roller or a press.

After a while, you can gently remove the linoleum, taking care of the material that may stick.

The result

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